Changelog v.11

v.11.0.0 (Sep 24, 2022)

New Features:
1. Starter screen (appears on The7 registration) with an option to automatically set up The7 for building Elementor-based websites from scratch. 
When choosing this option, The7 will automatically install the required plugins, choose optimal settings, create Global Fonts and Colors (Design System), add basic templates (blog, shop, archives, etc.) and template parts (header, footer, mobile menu, etc.), import minimal dummy content, etc. In other words, do all the prep work we usually do before creating a new demo. 
2. Settings presets optimized for Elementor and WPBakery were added to The7 > My The7. 
3. Option to disable old Page Templates and other features not required for Elementor-based websites was added under The > My The7, Settings.
4. Option to disable the icon font built into The7 was added under The > My The7, Settings.

New and updated demos:
1. New "Blank" demo ( Handy if you are building a website from scratch without using a pre-made thematic demo.
2. "Elementor Shop" demo ( was completely overhauled. 
All other demos were updated to use new features. 

1. All icons used in the theme were switched from the icon font to .svg.
2. Numerous minor improvements to forms styling (checkboxes and radio-buttons styling; styling for the Product Reviews widget; buttons icon spacing; etc.). 
3. Numerous minor improvements to the Mini Cart widget (title and buttons background; min-height for title background; spacing after the last item; etc.).
4. "Gap" element in TinyMCE text editor is now editable. 
5. Search widget now has the "clear" button.
6. Arrows in the Product Images widget now support .svg's; have responsiveness and spacing settings. 
7. Toggles in the Product Filter widget now have hover and active color settings. 
8. Numerous minor improvements to the Photo Scroller widget.
9. Mega menu margins can now be set in "em" and "rem" units. 
10. "Normalize resize event on mobile devices" setting was added to Elementor Site Settings (works the same as in the Theme Options).

1. "Apply Coupon" button has wrong height on mobile devices. 
2. "dt-the7/woocommerce/myaccount\form-login.php" template is outdated.
3. Image Box widget grid layout is broken in some settings combinations. 
4. Minor appearance issues with the Product Revies form.
5. Position of 3+ level indicator in Shop Categories widget.
6. Header can't be excluded from 404 Page template.
7. Active product filters widget, icon size misses the "px" and "em" units. 
8. Collapsible sidebar. The Product Categories dropdown is not visible with certain settings combinations.
9. Carouse widgets. Animation is missing with .svg arrows. 
10. "Current subcategories" mode doesn't work in "The7 Product Categories Grid".

Other minor improvements and changes.